Some Public Limits of Everyday Weirdness (2025)A year ago, here on Medium, I resolved to do more repair work around the family house. If my results seemed rather “weird,” I decided not…Jan 13072Jan 13072
“The Ancient Engineer” by Bruce Sterling (2016)It took me forty years to write this story. From very early in my career, I wanted to write a historical cyber-fantasy about some…Dec 8, 202482Dec 8, 202482
“The Beachcomber of Novi Kotor” by Bruce Sterling (2017)Commissioned by e-flux as part of a series of works about future robotics and labor.Nov 1, 20244Nov 1, 20244
“Mysterious Discovery” by Bruce Sterling (2009)*It’s a brief satire commissioned by “Discovery” magazine back in 2009, and the topic is Artificial Intelligence and its language issues…Aug 15, 20241671Aug 15, 20241671
“The Wonderful Power of Storytelling,” by Bruce Sterling, 1991*This speech was delivered thirty-three years ago, and that was quite a different world. The audience hadn’t been expecting much, because…Jul 12, 2024633Jul 12, 2024633
Preliminary Notes on the Delvish Dialect, by Bruce SterlingPreliminary Notes on the Delvish DialectJul 7, 20243033Jul 7, 20243033
Artificial Intelligence explains “cyberpunk” to Bruce Sterling, 2024 A.D.*Clearly there are elements of karmic retribution here.Jul 3, 20241314Jul 3, 20241314
The Share Festival Method for judging technology-artThe Share Festival MethodJul 1, 2024125Jul 1, 2024125
The Lester Dent Master Plot Formula, by Lester Dent*He was a hard-working guy at the typewriter.Jun 17, 202499Jun 17, 202499
Goldfish Memories by He Jiyan*Machine-translated from a Chinese webpost on the Internet Archive, because this post was almost immediately censored and obliterated in…Jun 14, 2024881Jun 14, 2024881
The Dieter Rams “Ten Principles of Good Design”I wouldn’t begin to adhere to these principles myself, and I even find Rams design and Rams-inspired design to be slightly nerve-racking…May 23, 2024May 23, 2024
Share Festival Call for Artists, 2024The Sharing Association is pleased to announce the 16th edition of the Share Prize, the competition dedicated to contemporary art focusing…Apr 27, 2024Apr 27, 2024
Utopian Realism, a speech by Bruce Sterling*I’ve never before published any lecture of mine in Medium (complete with the many lecture slides), so let’s give that a try, just for the…Apr 24, 20247Apr 24, 20247
“Sgt. Augmento,” by Bruce Sterling, 2016“As reported last month, Vice Media will no longer publish on its flagship website,, resulting in many journalists furiously…Mar 13, 2024Mar 13, 2024
The Mysterious Visit of Mr Babbage, by Bruce Sterling (2017)First published in “Archivio #1,” Turin Italy, 2017.Feb 9, 20243Feb 9, 20243
Objective Reality: Object Stories, a VR script by Bruce Sterling (2018)“Objective Realities is a series of VR experiences and installations made by in collaboration with Bruce Sterling. The…Sep 11, 2023Sep 11, 2023
The Ronald Knox “Ten Commandments of Detection” (1928)*Father Knox didn’t create these rules himself, ex cathedra; they came up in group discussions with other early detective-fiction…Aug 29, 20235Aug 29, 20235
“The Littlest Jackal” by Bruce Sterling (1996)A publisher asked me for the text of this “Leggy Starlitz” story. I didn’t have the text to offer, but I found a handy copy on a Russian…Aug 6, 20231Aug 6, 20231